Stealing and Justifying It

Wednesday, November 21, 2007 3:51 PM

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“Jeannie Baitinger”
—–Inline Attachment Follows—–
Thanks for the nice words.  The thing is, we all operate on trust on the internet.  Most of our vendors charge up front, but the tech guys and affiliates work a month behind.  They trust that I’ll pay them.  I can’t betray that. 

If we assume for one minute that maybe I’m NOT the person “they” are describing … maybe I’m the person you know … then it’s easier to understand.  I don’t screw people over.  I couldn’t live with myself.  Really, I couldn’t.

Let me take that back.  I resented Catherine getting 50% of the profits.  She hadn’t done anything to build the Kimmer/Kimkin’s reputation.  She didn’t have a reputation to help bring members.  Her job was marketing which was … well, I’m not sure what she did because it didn’t produce sales. 

But when I needed help or something would break (tech side), she was never around.  She was at the beach, at parties, at ex-patriate events.  Malta is the new hangout for Canadians.  Who knew?  And I hate to say it, but she collected the $$$, paid the bills and then paid me.  I’m not 100% sure everything was on the up and up.  OK, let’s say it was.  But the last final payout was super low.

So, what you may hear is that I had 2 “fake” affiliate accounts that I used for market testing and accepted payment for.  That money went to me.  We’re talking $200-300 but it was my way of recapturing some of the 50% to Catherine.  It wasn’t right and I accept full responsibility.  Would I do it again?  You bet.

Even when Catherine left, she denied commission sales to affiliates.  I don’t think she did it on purpose, but why?  I figured the difference and paid everyone, including Jimmy Moore.  This is when I had no money and had to borrow from people to come up with $5K for the buyout. 

None of you are big potatoes $$$.  I don’t think any of you are rich.  If you are, let’s talk!  🙂  So what am I to do?  Leave you with no way to pay your electric bill maybe?  I can’t do it.  I will say that this has been a learning experience for me and I’ll do business differently in the future (meaning I’m dumb but learning fast).

We will be going to court soon to change things, but until then please sit tight.  🙂 

As for me, let’s just say I’m glad I stockpile food, LOL.  Pantry is full and I can talk to the electric & phone company … wouldn’t be the first time.


2 Responses to “Stealing and Justifying It”

  1. Prudentia Says:

    Jeannie, I’m glad that you are able to clearly see that Heidi never had your best interests at heart. The truth is on your side, and you are in very good and capable hands. Heidi is a fool.

  2. Avenuegirl Says:

    “she didn’t have a reputation to help bring members. Her job was marketing which was … well, I’m not sure what she did because it didn’t produce sales.”

    WHAT?????? You are joking Heidi. Marketing is what makes the site happen. You can have the best site up in the world and without someone who knows how to market it you may as well be dead in the water. Going back through much of this I can clearly see what Catherine did in the beginning to market and promote your site.

    And what about your reputation Heidi? You mean the one that you created on lies? You mean the reputation that you had lost weight and kept it off? So much for that reputation. Your reputation has gone right down the drain. Don’t blame us for your slump in sales and any harm done to your financial advantage. You did that all to yourself. You now have a reputation for lying, banning people, creating sock puppets. It is all documented.

    “The thing is, we all operate on trust on the internet.” Ugh. yes I trusted you and boy was that a big mistake. I trusted you had lost weight and kept it off. Then when you fessed up I trusted that you had sold the site and that it had new owners. And when I tried to get that information out of you you just said they wanted to remain anonymous. The only trust I have now is that the court will see the truth and you will be taken care of appropriately.

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