“I’m not Heidi” “Kimkins doesn’t have $” and more…

December 3, 2008
Wednesday, November 7, 2007 9:41 AM

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“Jeannie Baitinger” <baitingerjeannie@yahoo.com>
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It’s fine with me to take it, but let me ask the lawyer about the Paypal receipt too showing we only collected $130 which basically covered 1 microwave for 1 boy.

Investigation means they are doing an asset trace to see if you have hundreds of thousands of dollars you’re hiding for Kimkins.  Idiots.

On 11/7/07, Jeannie Baitinger <baitingerjeannie@yahoo.com> wrote:

One topic is going to be the foster kid fundraiser.  I request permission to take the reciept for the childhelp usa donation just in case.  They are saying I am under investigation…  News to me.  They WISH! 

Kimmer <webmaster@kimkins.com> wrote:

OK.  We’re getting ready to go to the lawyer AGAIN to get Heidi ready for the deposition.

Can you/Del find that post where the haters talk about how easy it is to ruin someone’s reputation online?  I think it was regarding Dr. Mark but the idea is the same.

I’ll look for the hair stuff when we get back.  BTW, Heidi’s hair loss is called alopecia.  She lost all of her hair like 25-30 years ago.  It’s a thing that runs in their family.  Happened to her mom, too.  But don’t say anything about it yet.  Our lawyer may be using it as a tactic.  We’ll ask today.

For “why are they doing this?” I think that the internet hate group is excellent, but also for Becky & Christin:

1)  We need to ask the lawyer whether we can talk about Becky & the 0% interest loan that she didn’t get after all.  Something about third party privacy rights.  If we can talk about it, I’ll give you a copy of that email.  Becky deleted it but we had it on the server. 🙂

3)  The private investigator is the husband of a friend of Heidi Martinez.  Probably didn’t cost her anything to snoop around.

I’ll know more when we get back.


Stealing and Justifying It

November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 3:51 PM

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“Jeannie Baitinger”
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Thanks for the nice words.  The thing is, we all operate on trust on the internet.  Most of our vendors charge up front, but the tech guys and affiliates work a month behind.  They trust that I’ll pay them.  I can’t betray that. 

If we assume for one minute that maybe I’m NOT the person “they” are describing … maybe I’m the person you know … then it’s easier to understand.  I don’t screw people over.  I couldn’t live with myself.  Really, I couldn’t.

Let me take that back.  I resented Catherine getting 50% of the profits.  She hadn’t done anything to build the Kimmer/Kimkin’s reputation.  She didn’t have a reputation to help bring members.  Her job was marketing which was … well, I’m not sure what she did because it didn’t produce sales. 

But when I needed help or something would break (tech side), she was never around.  She was at the beach, at parties, at ex-patriate events.  Malta is the new hangout for Canadians.  Who knew?  And I hate to say it, but she collected the $$$, paid the bills and then paid me.  I’m not 100% sure everything was on the up and up.  OK, let’s say it was.  But the last final payout was super low.

So, what you may hear is that I had 2 “fake” affiliate accounts that I used for market testing and accepted payment for.  That money went to me.  We’re talking $200-300 but it was my way of recapturing some of the 50% to Catherine.  It wasn’t right and I accept full responsibility.  Would I do it again?  You bet.

Even when Catherine left, she denied commission sales to affiliates.  I don’t think she did it on purpose, but why?  I figured the difference and paid everyone, including Jimmy Moore.  This is when I had no money and had to borrow from people to come up with $5K for the buyout. 

None of you are big potatoes $$$.  I don’t think any of you are rich.  If you are, let’s talk!  🙂  So what am I to do?  Leave you with no way to pay your electric bill maybe?  I can’t do it.  I will say that this has been a learning experience for me and I’ll do business differently in the future (meaning I’m dumb but learning fast).

We will be going to court soon to change things, but until then please sit tight.  🙂 

As for me, let’s just say I’m glad I stockpile food, LOL.  Pantry is full and I can talk to the electric & phone company … wouldn’t be the first time.


In the real world

January 17, 2009

In the real world we have many things happen.  Some are hard.  For the moment I am focusing this blog on the real world.  And a harsh reality. 

For those following the KK saga, this has nothing to do with KK, Kimmer, Heidi and all.  I hope you will understand that this message is more important and I hope you will continue to read.

Just before Thanksgiving my best friend, Debbie, was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.  It was odd.  She had a knot on her shoulder blade as her only symptom until her right breast tripled in size overnight.   They told her they could treat her but not cure her…  This meant chemo.  She did not respond well to her treatments.  She became weak, tired and afraid to be alone.  I spent many days with her so her husband could work.  They had no children but a 30 year bond of love instead.  I made her meals and did my best to make her laugh and smile.  She was so beautiful.

I noticed she began to swell in her hips and arms.  I spoke with her husband about it in private.  In turn he asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital but…  The firey red head she was, she refused.  He called me and asked if we should force her to go and I said no…  A decision I do not regret one bit.  I have seen what cancer does and I didn’t want my beautiful friend to suffer the worst. 

She died that night (on Monday), peacefully in his arms while he tried to bring her back with the 911 operator instructing CPR but it was not to be.   At 1:00AM I got the dreaded phone call.  He was crying and said “She’s gone”.  I replied I was on my way and I arrived with my husband in less than 20 min.  I will not describe the sight I saw, nor do I want to remember my friend that way.  It was a long and painful night for all of us as we waited for them to pick her body up.  When they arrived we all went outside.  They left her wedding band on the counter and it was just heart breaking to watch her husband pick it up afterwards.

Ladies, I write this to say that cancer kills.  Not just breast cancer.  Mamograms are wonderful but they can’t spot cancer if it starts in the lympnodes before it moves in to the breast or elsewhere as the case here was. 

There is a brand new cancer test.  Please consider it.  It is very inexpensive and can save your life.  It is recommeded for both men and women.  It is 99% accurate and can detect cancer ANYWHERE in the body.  Though it cannot locate the area of disease, it is enough to prompt more invasive testing to locate the areas. 

My own Doctor says a mamogram is great…  Unless you have cancer of the bladder, ect.  Something to think about. 

I am having this blood test done within the next couple weeks.  I hope many reading this will consider it as well.  It is called the AMAS test and it must be requested by you from the lab.  All you have to do is call Onocolab at (800) 922-8378 and they will send you the kit free.  You take the kit to your Doctor for the blood draw.  The lab fee is less than $200 for the evaluation, plus the cost of the Doctor.

I wish my friend had known about the test before it was too late for her.  We miss her so much already.  Tomorrow we have the memorial for her.  I spent today at her house helping her husband choose pictures for the service.  We had her creamated.  In the Spring we plan to release her ashes with the wild dolphine, as she loved them so much. 

Debbie, know I loved you so much and I will miss you.  I promised you I would take care of Bill and I will.  He is strong but weak all at the same time over the grief of losing you.  We will never forget you.  And we will all meet again.  There is a better time and a better place.  You are there and we will follow when the time is right.  Until then, please be at peace my dear friend and above all, know you were loved in this lifetime.

Kimmer’s Weight Explaination

December 7, 2008

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“Jeannie Baitinger” <baitingerjeannie@yahoo.com>
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I wouldn’t say “humiliated”.  I lost 100 pounds and got to 178 — size
12, which is good for me.

Don’t give a timeline, tell them that the details will be on the
website.  I have to go over some things with the lawyer.  Everything
you said and I write can be used in the lawsuit.  I did regain a lot
of weight when the magazine came out. I literally sat at the computer
24/7 except for a few hours of sleep and rather than taking time to
shop for the right foods, I ate what was in the house.  Rum & Coke
didn’t help.

“Kimmer’s focus has always been on encouraging others to lose weight.
Remember she volunteered her advice for free on another website for 8
years.  Her advice worked and this is how Kimkins became so popular.”

Something like that.

Now according to the depositions of the son’s of Heidi Diaz, this must also be a lie since they say she has never lost any notable weight.  This would explain the absense of pics at this weight. 
Don’t you love the part about just being so busy after the magazine came out, sitting too much at the computer and drinking too many rum and cokes?  If I made that much money after the magazine exposure I would have been standing at my desk doing the happy dance and drinking rum with DIET coke.   But one more thing also doesn’t add up…  I am currently 147lbs and a size 12.  Geez, Kimmer, get it straight.

But Kimmer, you said…

November 22, 2008

Re: lawsuit

Monday, October 29, 2007 5:39 PM

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“Jeannie Baitinger” <baitingerjeannie@yahoo.com>
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I just got back from the attorney.  He says the class action attorney isn’t licensed to practice in Florida and can’t even send you a “demand” letter.  They said he is trying to scare people — and an email from a lawyer is scary.  Did you contact that cyber-law website attorney?  He’s AV rated (attorney rating).

My attorney is going from a different angle, but the less you know the better. 

If you are subpoenaed then of course you answer everything truthfully.  Which is — all you know is Kimmer, you get paid to moderate (babysit) the forums and you don’t know anything about Kimmer’s “partners” — because you don’t.  This is why the guy is doing this because he doesn’t know anything.

There’s nothing to stop you from deleting any emails you want right now — but I’m just making a point.  There’s nothing in our emails that’s even remotely interesting in the case.  We’ve discussed banning members for violations and concerns about the lawsuit.  What’s wrong with that?

I go back to meet the attorneys tomorrow.

On 10/29/07, Jeannie Baitinger <baitingerjeannie@yahoo.com > wrote:

My niece is a paralegal and has been one for many years.  As a favor she and two attorneys looked up the website for the attorney looking for the class action.  They tell me it looks really bad with all of the blogs and such.  However, for the blogs to be used as evidence actual real people must come forward under oath.  Still, they say a judge can shut us down if they deem us as dangerous. 
As far as I am concerned I have a few problems.  If I am called in to court via subpena or called for deposition via subpena I MUST have legal council–a criminal attorney must be present.  They tell me I am not an employee of Kimkins since I will get a 1099.  As a subcontractor they cannot take my computer.  That’s good.  But, a judge can over rule this and demand all email files showing coraspondence to Heidi Diaz. 
I have been instructed to not respond to anything that isn’t coming from a subpena. 
Looking back and just wow oh wow.  Kimmer, you said John could not touch me in Florida but funny your lawyer can have me served in Florida.  Is your lawyer licensed in Florida?  lol  This was just one more lie you told me in order to keep me there.  You could have cared LESS what happened to me–just yourself and this is now so clear to me.  I am so glad to be away from you.  Over 250 emails filled with your lies.  Perhaps I should be suing YOU next.  I believe my case would be strong.
Glad to see you wrote there is nothing remotly interesting in our emails for the case.  That said, guess you are not suing me over turning them over to John, right?  lol 
I spent some time going through all of the emails today.  Lie after lie…  Yes, perhaps the emails were important to proving you are a fraud and a liar. 

Kimkins Lawsuit

November 13, 2008

So, for a $300 fee…  What do I get? 

I get the right to express myself and I get the right of freedom of speech.  And now I intend to do just that.  Freely speak up.


Heidi Diaz, owner of Kimkins website, I have a simple question for you.  What are you suing me for?  You have lumped me in a generic catagory claiming I have conspired with others to help ruin your business.  Yet, you KNOW I have been banned from the LCF forum which you claim promotes ruining your business and you KNOW they like me second only to you.  There is little said there about you that they haven’t said about me too.  This is my own fault for believing what you told me and feeling sorry enough for you to take your side.  And guess what?  Even banned I am not suing LCF or anyone else.  In fact, there are blogs still out there that were less than kind to me and I am not suing the blog owners either.  Why?  Because these people all have the first ammendment right to freedom of speech. 


Heidi Diaz, you and you alone are responsible for your economic downfall.  You made the decisions to put up the Russian bride pics as your supposed success stories.  And it was your decision to keep that a secret from your staff and your members.  It was you who made wild claims of losing 198 lbs in a short time and keeping it off (easily I might add) for years.  And it was you who chose to continue with that lie until you were caught.  It was you who kept insisting to me that you were not Heidi Diaz and you sent me out on your forum to tell others that you were not her.  And yes, it was finally you who admitted to me a day before the Mike and Juliet Show that yes, you were Heidi Diaz after all.  BUT, you couldn’t even admit that without telling me yet one more lie…  Which was your response when I asked about your current weight.  You said at one time you had been as low as 150lbs and you said for you that was pretty good.  Now, why, if this was true, did you not just use that weight and pics from then (and I mean YOUR pics, lol) to promote your website??  I believe I know the answer.  The answer, according to your own children’s depositions, is that you were never any smaller than you are right now, today.  And Heidi Diaz, let us not forget the fraudulent foster care kid fundraiser you allowed me to promote on your site.  According to you (and your emails) you had to turn foster children out at age 18 and there was no state help so you helped them on your own.  I asked you for permission to run that challenge and you not only said yes but claimed how greatful you were for the “kids”.  So let’s talk about those kids.  According to the information John Teidt has told me, you had one single foster boy at home who joined the military at age 18.  You lied again.  Your house was NOT overflowing with foster boys as you claimed, ready to turn 18 with no where to go.  So later, and not knowing this yet, I ask you for proof of where you spent the money raised.  You could not produce a single reciept, claiming you didn’t want to prove your true identity, following your lie of NOT being Heidi Diaz.  Suddenly the media was contacted to report this story and it was YOU who decided rather than show who you really were (what a great excuse and LIE) that I could contact an agency in CA who helps foster children on behalf of Kimkins and that Kimkins would donate $500–much more than you claimed was paid in.  Not knowing who you really were, I gladly did so thinking it was wonderful and generous and I was pleased knowing the money would be well spent.  You set me up good, now didn’t you?  Yes, freedom of speech is a wonderful thing! 


And let us not forget one thing.  While you did pull the fake success stories from your site, you cannot go back and submit YOUR pic to Women’s World (yep, you lied to them too) in place of the pic you stole who was NOT you.  And yes, you can give refunds to those who request refunds if they joined your site under false pretenses.  Or you can just change passwords to lock out anyone you please, refund requested or not.  But there is still another lie you cannot cover.  You still don’t weigh 118 lbs and recent pics prove you have not lost any notable weight on your own Kimkins diet plan.  I am sure you are claiming stress from the bloggers and such as the cause…  But Heidi Diaz,  why were you never the lower weights you have claimed BEFORE the bloggers came out to speak up against the fraud? 

Perhaps you are suing me for opening another low carb website and inviting your members to join for free.  Too bad.  It is a free world and people can join any and as many forums as they want.  Campcarbaway took no money from you as your people had already paid you to join.  So again I ask you, Heidi Diaz, what are you suing me for? 

 Could you be angry that I willingly turned over all of your and my email exchanges to John Teidt?  I do not recall ever signing a confidentuality clause.  In fact, you said you could not even help me obtain legal council, much less continue payroll for any of us.  Was that a lie too?  lol 

So you go right ahead and sue.  John will bill YOU for his services and I am more than happy to pay the $300 filing fee for my share.  And it will be YOU who pays me back. 

So I think it is safe for me to call you out as a liar under the freedom of speech act.  LIAR!

Hello world!

November 13, 2008

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